Yesterday I actually finished a crafty/DIY project I kept pushing back. It is a gift for my friend whose husband is about to deploy for a year. He’ll also be gone for 6 weeks before that starting this August. If you’ve seen that movie P.S. I Love You, the idea behind this present is very similar. I don’t want to say too much just in case she happens to read this post, but for the first 6 weeks that her husband is gone, I have an envelope for her, one for each week, with something that I hope will cheer her up.
I started off picking different stationary for each week. I even made one of the envelopes myself, an idea I fell in love with immediately and I’m pretty sure I will never buy another envelope again because making them from any kind of paper you want is so much more awesome.
Then for each week I gave her something to accomplish that week, and put something to help her accomplish it in the envelope. For instance, one week I ask her to write someone, and I put a pack of yellow stationary for her to use in the envelope.
I finished all 6 envelopes and even threw in a little extra.
Finally, I bundled everything up and included a card with an explanation about the envelopes. I can’t wait to give her her present. She lives about 2 hours away, so I really hope this cheers her up until I can go visit her.