Work went by very quickly today due to the fact that we had meetings back-to-back nearly all day. I was anxious to leave the office as soon as possible since I was going on the hunt for more boxes to finish packing up the apartment afterward.
I checked the ABC store, and the grocery store, but to no avail. I was going to head home and save my hunt for another day, but I decided to stop by Target first to buy a notebook to make into a gratitude journal. I love Target. They don’t have a very large scrapbook section, but they do carry products by K&Company, one of my favorite brands for that kind of stuff. I bought an awesome notebook from their SMASH* line.
They also carry Kid Made Modern, a brand I’ve never heard of before today, but I liked what I saw. I love all their home stuff, too. They have nice modern stuff, but they also have colorful, girly and nerdy stuff.
As I walked around, I noticed several employees restocking the aisles, and emptying boxes of products everywhere – bingo. I got so many boxes I didn’t think I’d be able to fit them all in my car. Luckily, they did fit, but I was too tired to bring them all up when I got home.
This evening I had a Skype date with Beverly. Then Brian called, and I “spent time” with him. After that, I showered, then had a Google+ hangout date with Jenna. Ah, to be loved.
I can’t wait to see Brian tomorrow!