It’s Monday. Four more days until I see Brian, and the highlight of my day was hearing our wedding song on the radio on my way home from the office – A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. Some sappiness to come in this post.
We never really had a song while we were dating so it took us awhile to figure out what song we wanted to claim as ours, and to play during our First Dance at our wedding. I don’t even remember how I found this song (I’m not a Twilight fan in case you were wondering), but what stuck with us were certain lyrics.
How to be brave / How can I love when I’m afraid
I have died everyday waiting for you / Darlin’ don’t be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years / I’ll love you for a thousand more
Before we got engaged he told me that I have always been his girl. It took us awhile to find one another, but the timing was just what it should’ve been. Sometimes I wish I’d met Brian earlier, because he is such a good man and I had a rocky time growing up. Brian wishes he had been around then, too, because he says he would have gotten my back. It would’ve been pretty awesome to have had a champion wrestler at my side back in the day, haha! At least we’re together now, and I probably didn’t deserve him back then anyway. Sometimes I’m not sure I deserve him now!
Every hour has come to this
And all along I believed I would find you / Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years / I’ll love you for a thousand more
I may not have known exactly who he was, but I knew I’d find him. I always wished for him, I’ve always missed him, always loved him. A thousand years is nothing as long as we’re together in the end. When we read our vows to each other in private, it mentioned some of these emotions, and it was very meaningful to us. Our wedding day was just the best.
Okay, it needs to be the weekend. I am ready to see my hubbopotamus!
This post is a part of ‘Our Wedding’ (we were married May 19, 2012), a temporary series on this blog. Find all ‘Our Wedding’ posts here.