Friday, I was so happy to see Brian. We napped, then packed up and headed to the Hyatt Place hotel where my (our) family reunion was being held this weekend. The family activity for the night was BINGO! We played for a little, then headed to Rudino’s in Raleigh for dinner alone together. Oh, how I miss him. Every time we are reunited my urge to just bear hug him and not let go can get overwhelming, but I try not to seem too crazed, because Brian always gets worried over how I’m coping with us being apart.
When we returned to the hotel, we hung out with my family in the lobby and greeted more family as they came through. I love my uncles (and all of my family!), they are always so worried about me… and so supportive of me and Brian.
Saturday we woke up and went to Qdoba with my cousins that are around our age. The family activity for that day was an ice cream and cake social in Pullen Park. We’d heard that not many family members were going to show up because there was some car show in town, but after my Auntie put so much work into organizing all this, there was no way we weren’t going. I’m really glad we did, too! I love cake and ice cream!
Hello handsome! :) After the park, we went back to the hotel and napped. Around 5:30 p.m., we started getting ready for the banquet dinner. This reunion was just not the same without my brothers… I missed them so much. I was really glad to get to hang out with my cousins though.
(My baby cousin was kind enough to snap these pictures for me!)
When we finished eating dinner, we hopped in the car with my cousins and went to the ABC store to get more supplies for drinks, went back to the hotel and hung out in my cousin’s room. After that we went back down to the banquet area for some dancing and picture taking. We missed the family fashion show, talent show and karaoke portion of the evening, but Auntie recorded everything so I’ll be watching that later this week! After last call, I went to our room while Brian stayed behind to hang out with my cousin, Chris, and my cousin Sylvia’s fiancĂ©, Matt.
Sunday. This morning I went down for breakfast and let Brian sleep in. After checking out of the hotel, we had lunch together. I finally got to take him to Ming Garden in Chapel Hill. We ate lunch together, then sat and talked for awhile. We are always sad on the last day of the weekend, and the week always goes by so slowly… next weekend can’t come soon enough (as always).
I got my new phone! It took FOREVER to find, because 2 of the nearest Walmarts were either sold out or just didn’t carry Virgin Mobile phones. It’s an LG Optimus Elite, and I am just hoping that there are no problems. (Read the end of this post to see why I returned my HTC Wildfire S.)
Tonight, I had my first video chat with my love since he moved. This is probably only the second time in his whole life that he’s ever video chatted, and the first time was also with me. We did a Google+ hangout, and he said he liked video chatting better than talking on the phone with me so I guess we have a lot more video chat sessions to come! Woohoo!
This post is a part of ‘Weekenders’ (our weekend adventures together until we are reunited hopefully in our first house), a temporary series on this blog. Find all ‘Weekenders’ posts here.