This past weekend my time with my husband was cut short so… Brian said we could meet for dinner in the middle of the week to make up for it. Woohoo! Hot date time!
We decided to meet at the Bonefish Grill in Greensboro so I drove into work today, that way I could head straight there once I got off. It was about an hour drive away. Right before I left the office, I went to the ladies’ room, changed into cute date clothes, tried to do my makeup, didn’t even bother with my hair because it was sweltering outside, then caught the bus to my car and went on my way to see my Brian.
We both arrived around 3:30 p.m. and since the restaurant doesn’t open until 4 p.m. Brian asked if I wanted to walk around the mall for a little bit. (He also gave me the letter he wrote me, which I put into my gratitude journal. Such a sweetheart…) I’d never been to the mall in Greensboro before, but it was really nice and three stories tall! I got some good window shopping in, in particular, these Vince Camuto Kabo Equestrian-Inspired Boots and these Vince Camuto Deba Platform Pumps. Rawr!
Brian loves Bonefish Grill and dinner was so good! We got Bang Bang Shrimp, Saucy Shrimp and Scallops and the Lollipop Roll (which was just okay). Yum!
Hello, baby!
After dinner we hopped in the car, and drove over to the parking deck to get out of the sun and spend some more quality time together before parting ways. Again, we forgot to get a picture of us, BUT we have our double date tomorrow! I am determined to get one then!
This post is a part of ‘Weekenders’ (our weekend adventures together until we are reunited hopefully in our first house), a temporary series on this blog. Find all ‘Weekenders’ posts here.