I am so INCREDIBLY overdue for a Weekenders post, it is shameful. I’ll shorten as much as I can, but I don’t want to not post them since my memories with Brian are always the highlights of my day. In summary I will just say this: I love my husband. I love our little adventures and when we’re just boring old farts together. I miss the little things. The distance is weighing on us both, and it just gets harder, not easier. I hope we can find a house sooner than we planned. If I only get one gift this year (or next year, or the year after that), that’s all I want.
Weekend #12
Life has been so busy lately, but it’s all been a nice adventure. I drove to Winston-Salem Thursday evening this week, and worked remotely the next day. After I got off, I took Brian’s car to the shop, went shopping for a few things, and once Brian came home we rented movies and got ice cream. Saturday. We hung out with our friend Schultz and his girl, then had spaghetti for dinner at the house. Sunday. We took a walk, which I love doing, then we ate at an Italian restaurant. I spent the night and drove straight into work Monday morning.
Weekend #13
I drove in Thursday night after making a few stops to Target and A.C. Moore in Greensboro for some art supplies, etc. Friday. Brian and I went to the driving range. Saturday. Brian went golfing and I did some exploring / window shopping around town. That night we did a mini bar hop from Full Moon to Big Shotz. Sunday. A pizza and movies night!
As for “work” outside the office – I have been so inspired lately. I posted to Facebook today about my plans for the blog..
Upcoming :: The [With Great Heart] website / brand will be undergoing a makeover / new design to help make it more organized, easier to navigate and more visually appealing. Est. launch date: January 2013. Stay tuned!
I am just really looking forward to the future.. particularly whenever Mr. Smith and I finally move into our first house, and I can create a studio of my own!
Weekend #13.5 + 14
This work week Brian and I were on the road. It was the greatest. Tuesday and Wednesday night in Goldsboro, then Thursday and Friday in Raleigh.
Saturday we drove back in to Chapel Hill. We spent Sunday night watching The Walking Dead over the phone together, something we’ve started to do with a lot of our shows.
Weekend #15
I drove in Thursday then worked remotely the next day while Brian was at work. We ate dinner with his family, then Saturday night we had dinner just the two of us, and I drove back Sunday. This weekend was one of the saddest goodbyes.
Weekend #16
This was the weekend I went to WordCamp (see my recap here) so Brian spent the weekend with me in Raleigh and Chapel Hill. For the first time in the longest time we ate together at Los Tres Magueyes in Cary after Brian picked me up from the conference on Saturday. I miss the days when we were together in Cary.
Weekend #17
Friday. We just spent the day relaxing inside. Saturday. We stopped for food, went to the Cary library, went to Los Tres Magueyes, then went to see SkyFall, which we both really liked, especially the opening. Sunday. We went to Tyler’s Taproom, and talked about how we are more determined than ever to build our future.
Weekend #18
Thursday. I was ecstatic to see Brian. Friday. We ate dinner at the Olive Garden where we ran into his cousin, Maggie, and then we went to see Lincoln, which was slow, but good. I’ve started reading The Walking Dead Compendium 1, too. Brian and I are huge fans of the show. Saturday. We went for a long drive looking at gorgeous houses. The weather was beautiful. We came home and ate lamb stew and then I made cookies from scratch with my mother-in-law. Sunday. We had breakfast at Cracker Barrel, and seeing all the Christmas decorations almost made me want to cry, because I won’t be decorating a place of our own this year.
Weekend #19 + Our First Thanksgiving as Mr. and Mrs.
This was a Thanksgiving for firsts – the first time we spent Thanksgiving together with his family, and our first Thanksgiving as husband and wife. It was a bit of chaos with his family, but still awesome. I’m sad we didn’t get a picture together, but it’s okay. I’m just glad to have these memories.
Wednesday, I had lunch with my mother-in-law, Thursday, of course, was Thanksgiving, and Friday, my mother-in-law and I did a little running around, but not much. I only bought some accessories from The Loft which was insanely packed for Black Friday.
So Brian has been studying for his securities license all these months so that he can sell investments, and he is taking the exam soon. He has been working so hard, and I can see the stress and pressure weighing on him. I wish I were around during the week to take care of him. We got a little emotional talking on the phone last night. We are both so close to shelving the house thing and just getting an apartment so we can just be together now.. but we just have to make it a little longer.
This post is a part of ‘Weekenders’ (our weekend adventures together until we are reunited hopefully in our first house), a temporary series on this blog. Find all ‘Weekenders’ posts here.