This past weekend I was able to drive into Winston-Salem on Thursday since I had Friday off due to working longer days earlier in the week. It’s worth it when it means more time to be with Brian.
When he took his lunch, I picked him up at his building and we went to Hibachi.
We got to spend some much needed time together after such a stressful week. Work was just long for me, but that’s nothing new, but Brian took his first securities exam on Thursday. He did awesome by the way, and I’m super proud of him. He’ll be taking the next series exam soon, either this month or in January. Brian’s mom and I also made this chocolate chip peanut butter pie, and it turned out amazing!
Brian and I (well, mostly me and Brian was just polite about it, haha) did some shopping. We stopped by JoS. A. Bank, Target, and Michaels. We ate at East Coast Wings, then met his folks at Mayberry for some ice cream. Afterward, my mother-in-law and I went to the church and made advent wreaths. When we got home we made cookies again, and Brian and I ended the night by watching The Walking Dead physically together for the first time in weeks.
Such a good weekend.
This post is a part of ‘Weekenders’ (our weekend adventures together until we are reunited hopefully in our first house), a temporary series on this blog. Find all ‘Weekenders’ postsĀ here.