Brian and I have been having some great weekend adventures lately. I can’t believe we’re on weekend #35 already. I’m just looking forward to this July. That’s when we’re shooting for coming back together hopefully in our first house.
I’m behind on our ‘Weekenders’ series, but I can at least get last weekend out. Brian drove in this past Friday and we went to dinner at Los Tres Magueyes in Cary. Our old spot. I really miss that. They totally recognize our faces still every time we go there, haha. We stopped into Stein Mart afterward and Brian had his eye on a beautiful suit. Hopefully I can pull some strings and surprise him with it soon. He 1000% deserves it, he’s been working so hard. Hopefully he won’t get upset that I spent so much money on him.. I can totally see him returning it, haha. Even better than Stein Mart, he let me take him thrifting for the first time. Pretty awesome.
We spent the early afternoon watching the ACC Tournament, then Brian studied and even I got some work done. We’re such old farts.
We ate at our other old spot, The Gourmet Factory in Raleigh. We’ve been going there since before we got engaged, and sort of discovered it by accident. That place is a diamond in the rough. Before Brian left town we stopped by the grocery store and he bought me some milk and we dropped it off at my office to store in our office fridge so that I could enjoy my Special K cereal without having to bring the milk on the bus with me the next day.
Now. Onto my very first purchase from ZARA that I’ve been wanting to share. Did anyone see this mysterious Instagram photo of mine? I know, it’s taken me long enough to reveal.. but here it is!
The ZARA Shopper with Braided Handles in Nude. I’ve been setting aside little by little each month and decided I would get this for myself for my birthday which was on March 7. So worth the wait. There are some leather bags by ZARA I have my eye on, but I’ll have to wait on those. I’m actually thinking of making this bag my camera bag for a little while, and perfect timing, too, because I’m going to be photographing my friend Ashley this Friday, and then I have a beauty product photo shoot coming up for one of my clients’ online store. So excited!
Linking up with Because Shanna Said So.
This post is a part of ‘Weekenders’ (our weekend adventures together until we are reunited hopefully in our first house), a temporary series on this blog. Find all ‘Weekenders’ postsĀ here.