Time is a precious luxury I never seem to have any of these days. I remember when I used to update my blog every day. Now the idea of doing that just seems crazy. Plus, blogging has changed a lot, for me anyway and from how it used to be. I used to just write about my life and loved it.. now it’s turned into a hodge podge of things – life, design, photographs, my freelancing, etc. – which is all still great, I just wish I could devote the time to keep it all up to date. And I’ve never been, nor will I probably ever get to be, a fashion blogger, but I’ve been enjoying sharing those kinds of things on the blog lately, too. I apologize to my loved ones who come here to read about my life, but are instead bombarded with posts about my shopping crazes, haha.
When Brian and I finally come back together I’m going to see to it that my schedule slows way down, even though there is so much I want to do.. but no matter how much I like staying busy, I’ve let it get out of control. I keep forgetting to give myself time to relax and de-stress.
Brian wasn’t able to visit this past weekend so I’m just going to blurt out a bunch of stuff that has been going on lately.
Office life..
- Busy, busy, busy – nothing new there
- I’ve started doing supplemental work for the Division of Academic & Student Affairs (DASA) on campus, which has been great, and given me extra hours
- I miss Friday lunches with Jen, Nick, Jason and Garrison – their offices are only a handful of feet away, but my schedule has gotten so crazy that they might as well be miles away.. I never get to see them anymore
- I’m glad I still get to work with my friend John nearly every day, I really appreciate having him around
- There’s been someone that I’ve always tried to keep a positive relationship with at the office, but it is so difficult sometimes
Freelance life..
- Busy, but it’s nice to be able to be creative and add to my portfolio – I can’t thank my clients enough, I truly appreciate their business and cooperation on our projects together
- I have two blog designs that are ready to be turned over this week – I’ve got another two projects already lined up, and I have so many ideas swimming around in my head for them, I can’t wait
- I recently took on more hours with one of my ongoing Web clients, which I probably should not have done, but I appreciate my relationship with them so we’ll see what happens
- I’ve been taking my camera out more, trying to get familiar with all the settings.. I’ve had a few practice photo shoots already, and even some inquiries for paid sessions, which is exciting – although I definitely don’t pretend to be a professional photographer, I’ve just always loved capturing moments (when I was in high school, I always had my camera with me and my bedroom walls were covered with pictures I took)
Life in general..
- I think I may have actually experienced winter depression.. life has just been so crazy stressful lately (I cannot stand commuting by the way – strange how something like that can really kill your energy).. but hopefully things are on their way up
- I have not been exercising at all or sleeping enough so my health has just gone to crap and so I feel like crap.. and I don’t like the way I look right now.. I gotta change that right away
- I really miss my family
- I miss Brian’s family
- I miss my girl friends
Love / The good life..
- Since Brian and I didn’t have our weekend together, we’re meeting each other half way on Wednesday for a dinner date, and I’m so excited.. I can’t wait to see him
- My time with Brian is really the only time when things seem right, and I’m actually enjoying life, not just working my way through it
- I love Brian
- I miss Brian
This post is a part of ‘Weekenders’ (our weekend adventures together until we are reunited hopefully in our first house), a temporary series on this blog. Find all ‘Weekenders’ posts here.