This past weekend, Brian and I didn’t get to see each other, because he took one of his securities exams this past Monday and wanted to use the entire Weekend #38 to study. He did great on his exam, and we decided to meet halfway for dinner this past Wednesday to celebrate, hence Weekend #38.5.
I worked from home, until I left for Greensboro. We had our date at Bonefish, and afterward walked around the mall there for a little while. It went by so quickly, and those visits are always the hardest ones to say goodbye afterward.
Weekend #39
Friday, we went to Los Tres and rented Life of Pi. Saturday, we made a trip to our friend Dusty’s house, and went to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. When we got back I got the boys to play Scattegories, which I’ve never played before, and it was hilarious.
We ordered pizza for dinner and Dusty and I ended up playing Mario Kart together because Brian couldn’t hang and went to sleep early. I gave him an arm tattoo, haha.
Sunday, we grilled out – burgers, fries, drinks – before Brian drove me back to Chapel Hill and then headed back himself.
I am loving this nicer weather! I’m definitely not beach-body ready right now, but this nicer weather just makes me happy.
This post is a part of ‘Weekenders’ (our weekend adventures together until we are reunited hopefully in our first house), a temporary series on this blog. Find all ‘Weekenders’ postsĀ here.