Saturday was our last night in our apartment together, and we were both sad and anxious. We spent the night doing one of our favorites – watching movies. This time though we had to cuddle it up on a single mattress on the floor, and watch the movies off my laptop. Only our second weekend together after Brian’s move, but it already seems like it’s been longer than that. As you can see above, I got our “at least one picture of us.” I didn’t get one for weekend #1, but I’ll count this picture as its equivalent.
Sunday was our final moving day, and this time it was just us two moving things, no helpers. After we finished with our last load at the storage unit, Brian took me for ice cream at MaggieMoo’s. It was really sweet of him, and he doesn’t usually eat sweets, but he helped me tear that ice cream up! Delicious!
Seeing the apartment all cleared out was crazy. I got a little teary-eyed looking at it, and then the dam really broke after Brian left that night.
My new room is currently a disaster. I’m going from having an entire apartment (with two bedrooms and a large walk-in closet) with just me and Brian, to a single bedroom to cram all my things into. We put all the big things in storage, but there is still stuff all over the place, and nowhere to put them. I don’t have a desk right now either, which is really frustrating. Hopefully I will figure out a new organization system soon, but what I want even more than that is for us to save up tons of money quickly so that I can be with Brian, and we can have our own home together again.
This morning was my first day commuting from my new, temporary home, but I missed the last a.m. TTA bus, so I made the 30 minute drive into town and then caught the Wolfline bus to campus. Once I made it to campus I had to go to our warehouse over in Avent Ferry to bundle stacks of Computing@ publications, which is kind of a pain, but I really liked working somewhere other than the office today.
This post is a part of ‘Weekenders’ (our weekend adventures together until we are reunited hopefully in our first house), a temporary series on this blog. Find all ‘Weekenders’ posts here.