This weekend was a laid back one. I drove into town Friday, just beating the thunderstorm. I love falling asleep to thunderstorms and so does Brian. It was a good night.
The next day, I went to the fabric store with Brian’s mom, on the hunt for some leather and bright velvets for a special DIY project, but I didn’t find anything that I really wanted. I may shop around Raleigh/Cary if I find some free time, but I doubt I will be able to as work has been incredibly busy lately. Saturday night, Brian’s mom also taught me how to knit and crochet, and I am so excited to start making things. Brian asked me to make him something, so I plan on making him a black, red and gray scarf. He said no matter what I make he will wear it… what a sweetheart.
The rest of the weekend we lazed about, took in the cool weather and went outside to watch the sun set together, and just enjoyed each other’s company until I had to leave. I didn’t get a picture of us this weekend, but that’s okay, I feel really good from the time we got to spend together.
This post is a part of ‘Weekenders’ (our weekend adventures together until we are reunited hopefully in our first house), a temporary series on this blog. Find all ‘Weekenders’ posts here.